Enemies in RPG XP Review

EncountersClick below to select Troop monsters. If Map is the town or city, you do not choose, the city has no monsters,Encounters, said it is simple to select monsters appear on the map, The Final Fantacy is the most obvious, the move appeared to be a piece of the monster, in FF3, you often encounter monsters on the way and often you can only choose to fight or die
In rpg xp, you can create games like FF3, but better graphics and can run away if you do not want to fightIn rpg xp advantage is that you can customize many features of the game, if they lose the character type can not die, it is a feature of the event, and the map is not, in my opinion, you should adjust monster capable of nearly equal levels of character
Monsters are almost character skills, they will be defeated, avoid strong character as "Game Over" in a rowYou also do not adjust for weak monsters as players become bored because it's too easy, what problems will people be motivated to continueEnemy close in character to help level the game more attractive, the ability to adjust your character then adjusted in Database Enemies
Step Average: if you choose the 1, just 1 step away, the monster will appear and a match occurs, if the adjustment of 100 feet for every 100 monsters will appear even if the monsters do not adjust how 1000.000,00 now appears as a million characters to step foot

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Theo Allen RPG Maker

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