About Us

We are an independent group games. Here is a list of members:
I'm ThongNhat
Le (call me:Ron),
I am 19 years old

and is the creator of this websiteI'm a gamemaker
and I use mostly software RMXPalso know many
other software useI discovered this software
makes the most efficient game

want to taste leadsall the way to game
Ron Cow - Make Own Game - Le Thong Nhat
Ron Cow - Make Own Game - Le Thong Nhat

I'am Do Ngoc Nhan.
You can call me is D.N.N.
I'm from Viet Nam.
And I am 14 years old.

I am a gamemaker. I very like make game and I think life of a gamemaker is wonderful.

I use many software to make a game. I hope you like this website and I know you can
make a wonderful game.
This is the website of the game,
we will show you how to make a game.
You can make a game more livelyand high-endfeatures like
The Final Fantasy or Skyrim ,...

The posts on this
websiteyou cancopy and pastanywhere,
you can change the
content and links,

You should link
to your article
Make Own Game

howeverthis depends on you,
it is not mandatory

\\========================Thanks for read My Friend======================//


Theo Allen RPG Maker

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Make My Own Game - Do Ngoc Nhan
