The Dissidia 012 Final Fantasy Review
As soon as heard the name Final Fantasy, we must think of the turn-based role-playing game series from Square-Enix legend from the first edition to the 11th edition After reaping success with this brand especially once the transition game very satisfactory action of Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII, Square immediately change the style gameplay to a new genre: the role of antibodies in the series Dissidia: Final Fantasy. Dissidia 012 Final Fantasy game was released in 2009.
The war between Cosmos and Chaos Gods is not over yet, and the warriors of light and shadow are plunged into unprecedented battle to serve the purpose as well as his scheming side. Dissidia 012 gives players the multiplayer completely new storyline with new characters next 8 characters ever play in the first version. Part to play but the overall plot is simple but the way to lead is quite sophisticated investors and not feel constrained not cause as many other fighting games ever made.
Step into the battle, instead of confined to a relatively space all this time, players were able to roam in a huge game screen with a layer of material goods as "average lime" or pitfalls to your advantage. You are free to choose the direction the enemy attacks, and fully active to select a course of dealing. Of course, your opponent, none other than the character had starred in many previous Final Fantasy games such as Cloud (FF7), Squall (FF8), Zidane (FF9), Tidus (FF10) .. . should they absolutely did not ... pie! The game still allows players to purchase, equip items for your character, and to enhance the level indicator, an unmistakable point is the classic RPG genre!
The character moves refreshed but still not entirely unfamiliar sensation. Players can still recognize the absolute level of Braver Cloud, Squall's Rough Where is Divine, and of course with a different style of intense and spectacular than ever. Screen play structure partly destroyed, bringing the duel bitter and movie-like. Array background music and voice-stitching is still a very good investment because of the "witch house" at Square Enix should probably not have to be right!
Dissidia 012 Final Fantasy will be a very appropriate title for fans of this legendary series, as well as gamers who want to test myself in a space antagonists completely new!
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