Minecraft Sky Hunger Games : INSTANT DEATH MATCH

Minecraft Sky Hunger Games : INSTANT DEATH MATCH
Minecraft Sky Hunger Games : INSTANT DEATH MATCH



MineCraft Review

RMVXA Theolized Sideview - Gun Skill Test

RMVXA Theolized Sideview - Gun Skill Test - Make Your Own Games
RMVXA Theolized Sideview - Gun Skill Test

this is video 's Theo Allen, i see interting and hope you too
one vs three enemy

Gun skill test for upcoming battle system release
Theolized Sideview Battle System

Find us : http://theolized.blogspot.com/

How to Make Your Own Game ?
Create Your Own Game with RPG Maker at Make Own Game dot Com

and tutorial RSS303 at TheoAllen dot BlogSpot dot Com

thanks all,

Futuristic Tiles Resource Pack (Non-RM) - Discount

Futuristic Tiles Resource Pack - Create a Game
Futuristic Tiles Resource Pack
"Discount off 10% is MakeOwnGame"

·                                OR FUTURISTIC TILES RESOURCE PACK

        This futuristic tileset gives you the power to create a plethora of beautiful futuristic environments for your game.

What does the future hold?
Something straight out of science fiction, an apocalyptic world filled with violence, grunge and crime, or just a sleeker version of our modern life? With our new futuristic tiles, you can unleash your imagination and create them all, all the world !


  •                        Modern contemporary house
  •                        Create a more content
  •                        The Future city
  •                        Modern urban city
  •                        Scientific research facilities
  •                        Interior for a space-ship
  •                        weapon Shop – Place sale and buy weapon
  •                        The pack contains a complete tileset (Tiles A to E), including 20 character sets! As a bonus, you will receive two large background images you can use as parallax, sewer and more

They is video (review), you should watch and will like it ^_^

Tranfer in RPG VX Ace Review

this is video tutorial, Create Your Own RPG with RPG VX Ace : here

I only would said : in RMXP, for tranfer from A to B, then new Event at A, in dialog box, select Tranfer and place new ( point B)

but in VX Ace, teleport = Tranfer, it is simple but you can don't know,
 Watch Image
Make Your Own Games - Tranfer in RPG VX Ace Review

if you know Minecraft, there are one review here
Okey !!!


post at RPG Maker Blog, hope you like it

Someone, though it is argued exactly who, once said, that stealing from one person is plagiarism, while stealing from many is research, and though we should strive to do better than steal, it is true that as designers, we are indeed dwarfs standing on the shoulders of giants.
Just as Sakaguchi stood on the shoulders of Horii, or Horii stood on the shoulders of Greenberg and Woodhead, or they in turn stood on the shoulders of Arneson and Gygax, we too stand atop a plethora of designers who came before us.
For those of you following along at home (and yes, I know there are tons of intermediate steps and other inspirations)
For those of you following along at home (and yes, I know there are tons of intermediate steps and other inspirations)
So its easy to see something in a game and immediately think “Wow, I want to do that!” But where do we cross the line from paying our respects to their brilliance, to outright theft of their ideas.
And with that drawn out intro, I lead you into the topic of this article: Taking inspiration from a mechanic in a game, but making it something of your own, rather than just a pale copy.

Step 1: Knowing Why?

The first thing you should be aware of is WHY. Why are you taking a mechanic from another game. And try not to answer with “because that is the way its done.”
Let’s say that I really really love the Materia system from Final Fantasy VII and want to use it in my upcoming game: The Village of Cakes.
So now the question: Why? Let’s take a look at the mechanic and I’ll list what I liked about it:
  • Strong Customization
  • No “Messing Up” with bad builds
  • Can craft unique skillsets for characters
  • Can alter spells and abilities with modifiers
With this knowledge in hand, we know what to try to replicate at when we design our own system.

blog at rpgmakerweb.com

Step 2: Identifying What You DIDN’T Like

Next, try to think about what parts of the mechanic you didn’t like. I’ll do a list again for the Materia system:
  • Every character could feel “samey”, as all Materia could be used on any character
  • Link system required tons of slots to pull off mediocre combos with regular spells
  • Summon Materia tended to give too much “bang for your buck”, even with limited castings per combat
Now that we know what we DIDN’T like, we know what to try to avoid when making the mechanic our own.

Step 3: Rebuilding

So let’s take the mechanic, and rebuild it, keep the parts we like, but toss the parts we don’t. In the end, the mechanic will still probably resemble the mechanic that inspired it, but it won’t be identical.
So we start with the base system. Equipping cool magic stones to weapons and armor to give us spells and abilities. But first, let’s see if we can deal with some of the problems we had. What if certain magic stones took up more than one slot? This would solve the problem of Summon Materia and the bang for the buck problem.
But let’s take it further! What if different stones took up different amounts of slots depending on WHICH character was equipping it. Maybe the healer type can equip healing magic for less, your strong man can equip big physical swipes for less. You can still pop a weak healing spell on your big guy for an emergency, so it keeps a lot of the customization, but the characters have more individuality.
And now that we have multiple slots for one piece, we’ll need to change from links of 2 slots, to clusters of slots. Now a weak spell can have tons of modifying pieces attached to it, and as a side benefit strong spells can have LESS. So what is better, that HP/MP absorbing doublecasted Fireball, or that MP absorbing Raging Inferno!?

Step 4: Reskinning

Now that you’ve rebuilt the mechanics, you need to reskin them. Keeping the same skin can work sometimes, but really, with things as specific as Materia for instance, it feels very very derivative. So think about how you can make it fit into your world aesthetically that will also change how the mechanic is viewed by the player. The Skin is important for feel.
With my Materia inspired system, I think I’ll go with Runes. I’ve always thought Runic magic was a cool idea, and the idea of mystic runes being scrawled on the weapons and armor of the heroes to be called forth to execute special moves and attacks is a great visual.
When reskinning, keep your game world in mind. Think about how the mechanic will integrate with the story you are telling. Why does X mechanic work in Y way?


So as you can see, even though when I say that it was inspired by the Materia system its obvious, would you really see scrawling runes on your equipment with variable size based on character with possible modifiers based on the area available for scrawling and think: Man what a ripoff. Would you have even recognized it had I not said where the idea came from?
Don’t rip things off. Examine, adapt, create, and make it your own. Your mechanic should play and feel different. And never, ever forget the giants whose shoulders you are standing on.
Have a mechanic that is inspired from another game? Want to see if people can identify where its from just from a description? Just want to tell us your thoughts on design inspiration? Join us in the comments section below.

If you see interesting, plz leava an comment under here

Create Battle in RPG VX Ace

Hi there, today, I will tutorial making your own rpg with rpg vx ace – part 1:
Create Enemy-battle,

Note : RPG Maker, there are : RPG XP, IG Maker, RPG VX and RPG VX Ace
VX Ace is The Latest Version

New Event and create Battle Processing, select enemy in Specify Directly ( in Troop)

This is place for create, edit Enemy,

Okey, if have comment, plz, put under
Thanks all ^^

Create Your Own RPG : Variables basic

Create Your Own RPG : Variables basic
Create Your Own RPG : Variables basic

Here is the most basic instructions to use Variables, variables are difficult to use 1 component, 1 maker to make basic game, he will not use, but when creating complex events, we have to use a lot of things , which variables

this is just the most basic video, hope you see, you do not need to understand, the following guidelines will help you understand more
I've used Ace, but the excuse to use RPG XP, I will up this video on youtube, hope you like it

Multiboxing Software For Wow - Play 5+ Games At Once

Multiboxing Software For Wow - Play 5+ Games At Once
Multiboxing Software For Wow - Play 5+ Games At Once

Revolutionary Multiboxing Software Allows one computer To Play Up To ten Copies Of Warcraft At The Same Time. Make very very Gold, Farm Heroics, Destroy Your Enemies. Multiboxing Is Approved By Blizzard.

I like Warcraft, you play team or personal, but on a pc you can’t play 2 copy of World Of WarCraft

A little bit about me

My name is Tim Sullivan. I love World of Warcraft. I also love MMORPGs in general. Above and beyond my love for gaming is my love for building tools and communities for gamers. I was the original founding CEO / Owner Partner of Wowhead.com, in addition to several other WoW communities.

Ever since 2009, my goal in creating Pwnboxer is to create the ultimate multiboxing software. Easy to use. Extremely featureful. 100% Legit. Works on all PCs, even slower ones!

I’m not only the owner, but I’m also a customer. I multibox all the time!

Feel free to drop on by and say hello on Frostmourne-US Oceanic (Alliance). I am currently multiboxing 5x Paladins, with my lead one named Timholya!

DownLoad Now

Finish - RPG Maker XP and tranfer RPG Maker VX Ace

Hi there,

I been tutorial making games with RPG Maker XP, and now I will tutorial create your own games with VX Ace.
I want you know !!!
And wait my tutorial, it is ealy

This is my video,
1, install RPG Maker XP :

2, video tutorial Making your own game with rpg maker xp

Okey, see you again !

RPG Maker Web + RPG Maker XP (trailer New) - [Video]

Make your own video games with RPG Maker XP!
RPG Maker Web + RPG Maker XP (trailer New)

RPG Maker XP is capable of empowering anyone to make a game, with no prior experience necessary! Don't let the budget price fool you, RPG Maker XP is still a powerful and versatile game engine just waiting for someone like you to harness it. Download the on month fully functional free trial and get started today!

Video is RPG Maker Web

and here is video - Make Your Own Game with RPG Maker XP -basic

Heroes of Newerth 3.1.1 - Games Review

Heroes of Newerth 3.1.1 | Make Own Game
Heroes of Newerth is an action role-playing game free play

published by S2 Games.

In the games will have 2 teams, each team will have 5 players take on the role

of different heroes, your quests in the game is objective

destroy bases of the enemy in the fastest time.

When the battle begins, players can learn and experience obtained

Gold cross and then use them to upgrade their skills or purchase of

items to make your character becomes stronger. With graphic design

intuitive graphics, dynamic controls with integrated VOIP

available, I promise the game, will bring you an exciting experience

RPG Maker XP Tutorial - Database Actors - Make Your Own Games

RPG Maker XP Tutorial - Database Actors - Make Your Own Games
I still guide you edit DataBase Actor, and video make game been finish,
Today, I still tutotial you Make Game with RPG Maker XP,
Part next,

Name : Name is character main
Avatar, image move up, down and battle (in Enu..battle) edit by Character Graphic; battle Graphic is image character when battle, which only have in battle defaul

In Parameters have six index : intelligence, agility, Strength,..
Use edit edit index characer main
I think you should for default

Starting Equipment (SE) : edit Equip
Someone character, when start been full equipment, because been edit in SE
You can add Weapon, shield, helmet,.. and player will remove if you select fixed that Equip

Change Maximum : if you need increase or decrease, you will use it, click it, after select number, number is character in DataBase Actors

Classes : it is job, enemies, all edit class in DataBaseClasses, and in Actors, you only select job, which can player, mage, fighter,.. only edit in DataBase Classes

Initial Level to Final Level : level character, from 1 to 99
If you would start with 10, then write Initial is 10, Final is max level character, it not inccrease when Max,..  (min to max)

Apply -- > okey !

How to Make Your Own Games

RPG Maker XP
In role playing game-RPG category, especially games like "The Final Fantasy-FF", .. you will look the characters move freely in the map,
The background characters for the game, the number of characters is sometimes relate to a certain event in the game,

RPG Maker VX Ace Review [Video] - Make Your Own PC Games

this is video RPG Maker VX Ace review for RPGMakerWeb and you can watch it at here

and here is video creat your own game use VX Ace is SavageGaming on Youtube
Basics -Part 1
-Creating a map
-Creating a character
-Going thru moves and enemies
-Going thru the database

RPG MAKER VX ACE TUTORIAL PART 2 (Custom music and events) 

Extra features Part 1/2

-Custom music and sprites

Events -Part 2
-What are they used for
-How to make them

and there is video, all video tutorial make your own game with rpg maker vx ace

Storyline -Part 3
-Coming up with a story
-Coming up with story characters
Coming up with story enemies

part 4 +5:

Make Own Game



I been tutorial creat game with RPG Maker XP, you can watch details here

open map, click new envent and select character, after click comment and …. ( I am Mary)
Finish test .
This is simple in tutorial, let’s image make game version demo
RPG XP | Make Your Own Game with RPG Maker XP

Make Your Own Game with RPG Maker XP

RPG XP | Make Your Own Game with RPG Maker XP

MakeYourOwnGame.com Review

don't Live | MakeYourOwnGame.com

Firt, when you search on Google then you will see website MakeYourOwnGame.com been die, it is not live
After, looking www.sploder.com/ and RPGMakerWeb.com
This is blog, web tutorial Make Game = Make Your Own Game
I see you don’t search MakeYourOwnGame.com, you can watch RPGMakerWeb.com or this Blog – MakeOwnGame.com – this is blog for game and TT for Game
TT = Teach + Tutorial  

Uhm, this is my review
PS : Don’t search MakeYourOwnGame.com, you can search MakeOwnGame.com, good luck (^_^)
hope you find the information you need !
Make Your Own Game | MakeOwnGame.com

Island of Death Review

Island of Death Island of Death Screenshot Island of Death Screenshot

When they set to pay their honeymoon on an exquisite island, Natalie and John failed to suspect that some terrible experiments would be conducted on them. And even as they came to the current island, demons stony-broke out and attacked the island’s inhabitants, infecting them with some kind of mysterious illness.
Fortunately, Natalie for a few reason managed to avoid infection. therefore currently she should notice a way of natural process John and save the island.
Download free full version game and leave the island!
Free Game features:
- Despair atmosphere;
- plenty of mini-games;
- notice a cure and safe yourself.


RPG Maker VX Review

RPG Maker VX | Make Own Game
RPG Maker VX

Enterbrain has many popular game software made ​​today would like to introduce you to the VX, a software born beauty has long game, but still very hot, and the next version of RPG Maker XP
With RPG Maker VX, you can create your own unique RPG, without the need to be a programer, artist  or musician. Take advantage of the following features to make the game you’ve always wanted to:

  • A great default collection of graphics, sounds, and music, giving you all the materials you need to make your game.An easy to use mapping system, giving you the tools to build the look of your world.
  • A gui driven database, where you can create your heroes, villains, items, magic, and more.
  • A powerful eventing system, allowing you to dictate the flow of your game using a simple point and click interface.

simPle to use

RPG Maker VX carries over all the easy to use features from RMXP, while adding a few more if its own. You can save time by making frequently occurring events (like chests, doors, etc.) with a single command. You can create maps faster than ever due to the simple layer system and revamped autotile tool.

Don’t know how to create graphics? Can’t compose music? No problem. RPG Maker VX includes a large collection of pre-made, ready to use resources for you to create your own game with. You can also import new resources from the RPGMakerWeb blog, online communities, or even import resources you made yourself.
While the eventing system is powerful, there may be times you need more. For those times you can take advantage of the Ruby Gaming Scripting System 2 which all RPG Maker VX games are built on. Nearly every portion of the game can be directly edited or added to with only a small amount of programming knowledge. Don not Cave any programming knowledge? RGSS202 Scripts are fully modular, just find a fan-made script from the RPG Maker communities and paste ti in to extend the possibilities of your game!
RPG Maker VX RGSS2 Scripting
RPG Maker VX RGSS2 Scripting

when Complete ?

Finished your games and ready to send it to your friends? With just a few clicks you can have a ready to go install file that includes everything they will need to play the game, without the need to have RPG Maker VX installed themselve
Here is the assessment of MakeOwnGame, you can see more details at rpgmakerweb, thanks

Make Own Games - Video 1-2

How to Make Your Own PC Game. This is video make game with RPG Maker XP at Make Own Game.com .Freedom to all, so do not follow an order, before main can watch any video, not the most Important video.
Make Own Games

RPG Maker XP - video 1
 RPG Maker XP - video 2
                                      RPG Maker XP - video old -video 3

This Video, this trial hehe ;)

Change Character in RPG Maker XP

Change Character battle, actor grahpic  in RPG Maker XP at Make Own Game
How To Make Your Own Game With RPG Maker XP Tutorial At Make Own Game | Blog Games

Royal Defence

The castle needs a hero to stop a monstrous invasion in Royal Defense, an entertaining fantasy challenge for the entire family.
Hordes of trolls are mounting an assault on the Dwarf kingdom's castle. As defender of the keep, it's up to you to protect it at all necessary costs. Set up and lead your army of defenses to keep the enemies from reaching your castle. Use cannons, magic, and any means necessary to stop the monsters in their tracks.
Construct your defensive towers and place them to defeat the invaders in 40 challenging levels. Purchase new towers and upgrade their powers with collected money and gems. Each one has specific stats including Damage, Fire Rate, Damage Radius, and Damage Type to help cope with the various creatures. Use magic, earn prizes, and receive rewards. Stop the troll menace before your kingdom is in ruins.
Download free full version game and save your beloved Princess!.
Free Game features:
- Stop a troll menace in this fantasy-themed Tower Defense strategy game;
- Guide your defenses and survive wave after wave in 40 challenging levels;
- Set up 12 different towers with varying stats including Damage and Fire Rate;
- Enjoy two unique settings and battle against 12 types of creatures;
- Use Magic, upgrade towers, and receive rewards.
source GameTop.com

increase Gold RPG Maker XP | Make Own Game

Tutorial increase Gold in RPG Maker XP at Make Own Game
New event => change Gold => +1000 => test
View Video
Gold in RPG Maker XP

Extreme Racers Review

Gentlemen...start your engines! Keep your foot on the gas and your eyes on the road. Hit the nitro burst for final speed and acceleration. consecutive stop is that the checkered flag.

Earn your thanks to the highest of the racecourse by with success navigating the track. There area unit 2 ways that to play this game: one race or a championship. Begin gameplay by choosing a course. they vary in variation from a desolate road to the curves associate degreed bends of an previous mining city track. Win a race and you may be ready to power-up and unlock different courses. constant goes for your racecar. From a hot-rod Phoenix to a sleek viverrine, if you win your athletics heat you may be granted a stock automobile upgrade.

Combining realistic three-D graphics associate degreed an Adrenalin pumping score, this free on-line game is associate degree habit-forming assault on the senses. transfer this free full version game nowadays and be part of the race.

Fishdom Review

Build up and develop your Fishdom! Progress through difficult boards and solve immersive puzzles to earn money. Use the money to shop for eye-candy fish and engaging ornaments for your dream fish tank. Get accessories and provides to form the right conditions for your finny friends and guarantee their comfort.

Win awards and upgrade your virtual tank as you excellent your fish tank style skills and rejoice with the beautiful queer sims. Being a novel fusion of classic gameplay with good new concepts, this free downloadable game with unlimited replayability can bring you tons of joyful moments!


- The virtual surroundings is interactive and absolutely customizable;

- virtually a hundred things and accessories to decide on from;

- Unlimited replayability;

- produce AN triumph fish tank of your dreams;

- Set it up as your screensaver.

RPG Maker Lite

I ben read post from blog is RPG Maker Web and See this post very good should copy and past here

With the second day of the RPG Maker fight, we tend to offer you… associate RPG Maker that's free for all!

RPG Maker nonfat  relies on our unbelievably standard game creating software: RPG Maker VX Ace. whereas not as totally featured, RPG Maker nonfat  will offer you everything you would like to form your own game, and better of all its fully FREE for as long as you wish to use it.

Create your world…
… your Heroes…
and the obstacles they need to beat.

RPG Maker low-cal provides you with everything you wish to create a basic RPG. It options several of the new innovations of RPG Maker VX Ace, from shadow management to RegionIDs, with solely some info, map, and script restrictions.

RPG Maker low-cal is that the good place for beginners thus share it together with your family and friends, or use it yourself for as long as you prefer. check up on additional regarding RPG Maker low-cal and look at our mind blowingly impressive new promo video here.

bomb it 4 Review

bomb it 4

bomb it 4

Blow away the competition!
You're the master of your own diversion experience throughout this better-than-ever sequel. customise your own game controls, the game mode and issue, the number of players, enemies, and levels, the arena...even your character and outfit! the chances area unit, in a word, endless.

Tutorial Play Games

1-player mode
Arrow keys - Move.
Space bar - Drop Bomb.

2-player mode
Player 1:
WASD keys - Move.
Space bar - Drop Bomb.

Player a pair of then
Arrow keys - Move.

Enter - Drop Bomb.

Hope you Play game and feel interresting

Air Assault 2 Reviews

Take to the skies once more with Air Assault a pair of, the extraordinary sequel to the action hit that pits you against a determined enemy over the desert, the sea, and a huge industrial complicated. that includes quite one hundred distinctive enemy units, associate exciting plot, and a few of the foremost superb 3D graphics you have ever seen, AirStrike a pair of can keep you pasted to your seat for hours. What ar you watching for, Pilot? the globe is relying on you!
Download free full version game nowadays and acquire your fair proportion of adrenaline!

Free Game Features:

- eighteen massive levels with three powerful huge bosses;

- five completely different landscape types;

- Over 100(!!!) completely different units with distinctive characteristics;

- half dozen completely different helicopters to fly on;

- ten distinctive weapons with 3-7 level upgrade;

- fifteen completely different bonuses and five missile types;

- Night missions with varied weather conditions;

- 5 levels of problem for hardcore-gamers and rookies;

- Original audio recording and powerful sound effects;

- A leading-edge 3D Graphics Engine;

- Free full version game with none limitations.

The Wolf Among Us

The Wolf Among Us is the product of a team should create prominent names 2012 The Walking Dead . Probably long enough to ensure that the quality of the fantasy adventure game , the more it is worth looking forward to .
Imagine that you existence around strange life forms and mysterious appearance only in fairy tales . A different world right in our human world . Bigby Wolf plays half human, half wolf , you will gradually discover that hiding the world , meet all kinds of characters , human shapes , animals can speak , the monster has strange spots . Originally a system of video image linked beautifully reveal to you the darkness of the society in which we normally think of as beautiful as this fairytale .
The Wolf Among Us is a series of choices in which each decision leads you to a completely different outcome . Inherently genre publications and this will especially be the most boring one pidgin English capital . The Wolf Among Us , but again very cleverly integrated action scenes are impeccably , using the key guidelines , you will admire the impressive series of frames and eye . Just to say it is somewhat too violent , but it was also the game's attractions . The short conversation with the rapid information neatly and logically attract players until the last moment . Even many people who still want to play again to see the other choices will bring something new and different than .
A team name , a reasonable plot , a name that stimulate curiosity ... , The Wolf Among Us has many conditions to become successful gaming product after the storm The Walking Dead . Play to feel .

Return of the Hero

Return of the Hero

Theseus - come back of the Hero is that the logical sequel to Alien Shooter. transfer free full version game and revel in unlimited play!

RPG Maker DS Resource Pack Review

RPG Maker DS Resource Pack

Invoking the texture of SNES-era RPGs, RPG Maker DS was a giant hit in Japan. sadly, it hasn't created it over to North America (yet). What has created it over but could be a large indefinite amount of resources and graphical goodies.

Trigger in RMXP

Someone question : Creat video in Game, event auto move, chat, fighter,…
If is very early, only use Trigger,
Tutorial at Blog.RPGMakerweb.com, if you would I write tutorial then share this post with friends, when full 100 like-Facebook, I will writing tutorial, Okey ;)


RPG Maker XP Final Basic

All tutorial basic make game with RPG Maker XP been Complete, now, you must make game
this is 7 tutorial :
RPG Maker XP Tutorial 5
RPG Maker XP Tutorial 6
RPG Maker XP Tutorial 7

RPG Maker XP Tutorial 1 to 7 - Update

RPG Maker XP Tutorial - Part 1

RPG Maker XP Tutorial - Part 2

RPG Maker XP is engine Enterbrain, and there are : standard and rmxp(rpg maker xp)
Standard : Graphic, Audio, Games.ico, Graphics.exe
Rpg xp : … RPG XP.exe

You can read more

Requirements : read more

There are : toolbar and Menu :
Menu : File, Edit, View, Mode,.. Help
Tool (under menu) : open, new, save, cut, palyer1,2,3,4,..

Name is Folder, Game title and location( link is folder make game)

The end..part 1

Creat event : right mouse (=D_click) => New Event
Creat event then select Palyer 4 or press F8

Paint : must select Player 1, 2 or 3, they use paint map, when paint map then don’t creat Event, ^_^


Theo Allen RPG Maker

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